Saljet blog

Medline, Orlando April 2017

Last Updated: Friday 21 April 2017
Medline, Orlando April 2017

Annette and Howard bring Saljet to the Medline Conference in Orlando, April 2017


This week we have been in Orlando at a Medline sales conference. It was a great conference, held outdoors as usual, but the temperatures were in the mid nineties, the sun was shining and Annette was looking a little fried! It is always great fun talking to motivated sales people and spreading the Saljet story.

We haven't been to Orlando for twelve months and the amount of building going on now and completed since our last visit is mind blowing. We first visited Orlando in 1989 and some of the areas that are now built on we remember as countryside. Of course the downside of any surge in building is the increase in traffic!

We visited our 3 favorite restaurants whilst in Orlando, PF Chang's, Cafe Tu Tu Tango and Dakshin, such a great mix of cuisines. 

Getting ready for Spring

Last Updated: Tuesday 28 March 2017
Getting ready for Spring

The lovely thing about Florida in the Winter months is seeing old friends

Time is a thief of good intentions and is the most intangible of things to deal with! It is difficult to believe that we are a quarter of the way through 2017 already. After Christmas we returned to Florida to resume our life in the USA. The lovely thing about Florida in the winter months is seeing old friends and new, some who live in Florida and many who are escaping the cold winter of their home base.

We returned to the U.K. for a spring visit to see family and friends and to enjoy my favorite season in Britain. I love the spring flowers and blossom which bring color and joy after the winter months. I particularly enjoy the display of daffodils which are in the verges, along the sidewalks and of course in every garden. The most spectacular spring display for me are the banks of snowdrops which emulate a sprinkle of snow wherever they are.

Next is the spring season of trade shows and meetings, so come and visit our booth at SAWC in San Diego starting on the 6th of April.

Christmas and New Year

Last Updated: Tuesday 3 January 2017
Christmas and New Year

Christmas with the family in the Cotswolds

We spent Christmas in England with the family in the lovely Cotswolds area. Our family now spans ages from 4 months to 95 years and it is lovely to see everyone over the holiday period. The weather was very kind to us with some frosty mornings but very little rain and lots of sunshine.

At the end of the garden of the house we stayed in over Christmas was a pond with swans, a lovely sight in the mornings when they came to feed. In the Elizabethan days, (Elizabeth the first), swans were eaten at banquets but is now illegal to kill swans in the UK as they are  protected under law.

The frosty mornings gave us some lovely pictures with frost on the trees, hedges and lawns made more special by mist on some of the days.

A very special time for us with the family and our friends in the UK, now it's time to start 2017 in our lovely home in Florida, to get fit and to start planning next Christmas, which seems to be earlier and earlier every year!

Work Life Balance

Last Updated: Friday 23 December 2016
Work Life Balance

Travelling for business is not as glamorous as it looks!

Work Life balance

Traveling for business is not as glamorous as it sometimes seems, we do get to eat in some lovely restaurants and we do stay in some nice hotels, (not always!), but we never really see the places we travel to. Quite often it's fly into the airport, travel by car or cab to our meeting place, eat then sleep and travel back to the airport.

So, we decided on our trip to to Germany last week that we would fly into Frankfurt and take the afternoon and evening off to visit the Christmas market in Frankfurt and explore the city on foot. There was a lovely atmosphere in the city which was magical in the evening when all the festive lights were on and people came out onto the streets to visit the market and drink Glühwein, mulled wine.

The next day we set off on our two hour drive to Rommelag in the Kocher valley refreshed and feeling though we had at last seen something of Germany other than where we usually conduct our business.

Visiting Illinois in the fall

Last Updated: Friday 23 December 2016
Visiting Illinois in the fall

A visit to Medline in Mundelein


Whilst driving to visit Medline, an early distributor of Saljet, in Mundelein we were at a stop light behind a motor tricycle with a dog riding pillion! Not a sight we see in Britain much! The dog was wearing sunglasses to protect him from one of the warmest Falls Illinois has seen.

Illinois is always lovely in the Fall with some fabulous leaf colors and it is always a delight to visit our old stomping ground during this season.

I love living in Florida as it appeals to the English gardener side of me when I see all the beautiful flowers year round. The English rose side of me struggles with the heat of the summer though, but that's where our traveling lifestyle comes into it's own!


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Wound Care and Covid-19

An article on the continuing importance of wound care management

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